
Showing posts from October, 2022


 Today in class we started the Color Purple .We first  wrote a letter to God.Next we went over the book.The book had a lot of sensitive topics and was very suprising.Next we wrote letter responses for each letter in the book.

Letter Responses





 Today in class we did a kahoot.The kahoot was on current events and it was for extra points again.I did fairly well and got 2nd place again.I got 75 points for the test .I completed the test and ended up getting a 85 so either way I am going to get a 100.I am very happy and excited about that!!


 Today in class we did a kahoot.The kahoot was based on the story we have been reading "The life you save may be your own .The kahoot was fun and exciting.Kahoot is such a fun educational way to learn .I won 2nd place in kahoot.I was offered a prize of 50 points on the test on the story.I should do well on the test tomorrow. The only questions I had trouble on was the quotes.


 Today in class we had a new list of college bound words.We were told to write the word definition and part of speech.Next we did a exercise with filling in the blank.It was a little bit challenging but I believe I did fairly well. Lastly we went over the critical thinking questions about the story we are reviewing. 


 Today in class we continued the story.It was titled "The Life You Save May be your own".We continued the story and git deep into key events and it was a surprising event.Including Lucy neglected who is mentally challenged getting abandoned by Mr.Shiftlet.Later w watched a short film on the movie.After that we continued onto our Vocabulary test on words we have been studying for the past week.


 Today we went over another story.We went over important quotes.We went over key events .We also went over unfamiliar words.We continued to analyze the story.We also wrote down critical thinking questions. 


 Today in class we worked on our test for a article.We have been learning citing textual evidence all week.Our text consists of citing textual evidence providing claims and explanation to back up our evidence .I did well on the multiple choice but I had to go back and correct my constructed response. 


 Today in class we started on a bell ringer.Qe wrote 5 sentences using  any of our 15 words.We watched a short film to help us better understand the article.We underlined words and analyzed the text.We also answered a question involved around the text and shared our answers. We cited textual evidence to answer the questions.


 Today in class we read a article.We started working on argument notes..We created a argument paragraph. First it started with creating our claims.We then started with our topic sentence and put claims and evidence together. Finally we had a conclusion and created a paragraph for a argumentative essay.


 Today in class we went over another article .We answered three questions and cited textual evidence.Later we went into our Vocabulary bound books.We wrote down definitions and did fill in the blank.It was a bit challenging at first because I am getting used to the words.Wd did a exercise on the words and I believe I did well. 


 Today in class we went over a article about teens and driving. Statistics show that most teens not having their license.We analyze the text and answered questions. We cited textual evidence to be able to answer our questions.


 Today in class we complete a benchmark.I don't think I did well and I usually don't. I'M not really a good test taker but I try my best.I completed all the questions and I gained more knowledge by taking the test.


 Today in class we went over another poem.Today's poem was Birches by Robert Frost.We broke down the poem again.The poem was involved around memories and experiences. Living a acarefree live and wanting to escape is what I always think about.I can relate to the poet so much and I enjoyed the themes we came up with.


 Today we went over another Langston Hughes poem.We analyzed the poem and broke it down.Lastly we answered the exit ticket question involving our nationality and identity. Nationality and identity is very important within Americans. 

Work 10/12



 Today was a short day because we went to homeroom.Wd started off with a A bell ringer about advice from our mother.We shared our answers and my peers answers were similar to what I wrote.We also started reading and analyzing a poem by Langston Hughes titled "Mother to Son".I read this poem last year in 10th grade so I was already familiar with it but I enjoyed reading it again.I enjoyed breaking down the meaning and the literary devices in a poem.


 Today we presented our poems.Everyones poems was lovely.Their poems were creative and they had amazing themes.We all put a alot of effort into the poems and did a amazing job.


 Today we started class off with a discussion about our assignment. We went over the different literary devices.We completed our poems and ready to present for Thursday.I enjoyed writing my poems and will continue to write more.

Poem 10/5



 Today we watched the film of Fences.The actors in the movie were amazing and played their part well.The emotions and aggression in their voice was astonishing. For the rework period,we wrote down 10 things different from the film and the boom. We wrote two things that the actor brought to the movie about Cory,Troy and Rose.We also wrote a two sentence review about the overall movie.


 Today was the end of the story.The story was a amazing story and it had a sad ending but bittersweet.I loved the ending but sad that it was involved about Troy's funeral. I wished Troy and Cory would have made up but I understand Cory and his perspective. Lastly we did discussion questions involved around the story.I cannot wait for tomorrow to watch the film.